创建QOS: #创建acl匹配源IP地址 acl number 2000 rule 5 permit source #配置流分类 traffic classifier c1 operator and if-match acl 2000 if-match protocol ip if-match any #配置流行为 traffic behavior 10m permit car cir 10240 pir 10240 cbs 1250000 pbs 1250000 green pass yellow pass red discard statistic enable traffic behavior 5m permit car cir 4000 pir 5000 cbs 625000 pbs 625000 green pass yellow pass red discard statistic enable traffic behavior 8m permit car cir 8000 pir 8000 cbs 1000000 pbs 1000000 green pass yellow pass red discard statistic enable #绑定流行为和流分类 traffic policy vlan10-s-5m match-order config classifier c1 behavior 5m traffic policy vlan10-x-8m match-order config classifier c1 behavior 8m #挂到接口上去 vlan 10 traffic-policy vlan10-s-5m inbound traffic-policy vlan10-x-8m outbound 查询结果: dis traffic policy statistics vlan 10 inbound Vlan: 10 Traffic policy inbound: vlan10-s-5m Rule number: 1 Current status: success Statistics interval: 300 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Board : 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Matched | Packets: 149,116 | Bytes: 155,063,292 | Rate(pps): 0 | Rate(bps): 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Passed | Packets: 130,921 | Bytes: 129,841,006 | Rate(pps): 0 | Rate(bps): 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dropped | Packets: 18,195 | Bytes: 25,222,286 | Rate(pps): 0 | Rate(bps): 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Filter | Packets: 0 | Bytes: 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Car | Packets: 18,195 | Bytes: 25,222,286 --------------------------------------------------------------------- dis traffic policy statistics vlan 10 outbound Vlan: 10 Traffic policy outbound: vlan10-x-8m Rule number: 1 Current status: success Statistics interval: 300 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Board : 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Matched | Packets: 120,992 | Bytes: 68,640,084 | Rate(pps): 400 | Rate(bps): 1,824,824 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Passed | Packets: 120,992 | Bytes: 68,640,084 | Rate(pps): 400 | Rate(bps): 1,824,824 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dropped | Packets: 0 | Bytes: 0 | Rate(pps): 0 | Rate(bps): 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Filter | Packets: 0 | Bytes: 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Car | Packets: 0 | Bytes: 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Info: The max number of VTY users is 10, and the number of current VTY users on line is 0. 三层口挂QOS: interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 undo portswitch ip address 上传: qos car inbound source-ip-address range to per-address cir 4000 pir 5000 cbs 500000 pbs 625000 green pass yellow pass red discard 下载 qos car outbound destination-ip-address range to per-address cir 8000 pir 10000 cbs 1000000 pbs 1250000 green pass yellow pass red discard