:: ###################### RunAsSpc command line arguments ######################### :: :: Examples: :: :: 1) call RunAsSpc without cryptfile: :: runasspc /program:"prog.exe" /domain:"localhost" /user:"admin" /password:"pass" :: :: 2) open a RunAsSpc cryptfile and run the application without dialog of RunAsSpc: :: runasspc /cryptfile:"path\crypt.spc" /quiet :: :: 3) generate a RunAsSpc cryptfile: :: runasspc /cryptfile:"crypt.spc" /program:"prog.exe" /domain:"localhost" /user:"admin" /password:"pass" :: :: :: ********************************************************* :: :: Parameters: :: :: runasspc.exe /program:"path\application" :: /domain:"localhost" or "yourDomainName.com" :: /user:"username" :: /password:"password" :: /cryptfile:"name of cryptfile" :: /param:"options for calling application" :: /executein:"start\in\folder" :: /logon:noprofile or netonly or env :: /wstyle:maximize or minimize or hide :: /crcoff :: /crcon :: /quiet :: /alldrives :: :: ********************************************************* :: :: Description: :: :: /program = path and program (if your application expected parameters see /param) :: /domain = "localhost" for local user or your Domain for domain users :: /user = name of account your program should be start :: /password = leave it empty if you want to ask for password on runtime :: /cryptfile = if you want to work with an encrypt file (see Examples below) :: /param = if your program expected parameters enter here :: /executein = working directory for application :: /logon = logonoptions (default = withprofile) :: /wstyle = Windowstyle of starting program. Not supported in all applications. :: /crcoff = with application checksum (checksum supported only with cryptfile) :: /crcon = with application checksum (checksum supported only with cryptfile) :: /quiet = suppress error messages :: /alldrives = search application on current directory and all driveletter with same path. :: helpful for different drive letters on different computers (usb,cd...) :: :: ********************************************************* :: :: Additional examples: :: :: 1) Call RunAsSpc without Cryptfile: :: :: runasspc /program:"%systemroot%\system32\mmc.exe" /param:"%systemroot%\system32\compmgmt.msc" /user:"administrator" :: runasspc /program:"C:\Programme\Windows NT\Pinball\pinball.exe" /domain:"localhost" /user:"administrator" /password:"password" /wstyle:minimize :: runasspc /program:"c:\winnt\system32\mmc.exe" /domain:"domainname.com" /user:"administrator" /password:"password" /executein:"c:\winnt" /param:"c:\konsole\adminkonsole.msc" :: runasspc /program:"C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe" /param:"/i c:\install\setup.msi" /domain:"localhost" /user:"administrator" /password:"password" :: runasspc /program:"\\servername\share\foldername\j2re-1_4_2_05-windows-i586-p.exe" /domain:"domainname.com" /user:"administrator" /password:"password" /param:"/S /V/qn" /executein:"c:\temp" /logon:"noprofile" :: runasspc /program:"%systemroot%\system32\xcopy.exe" /param:"d:\temp\file1 d:\images" /domain:"localhost" /user:"administrator" /password:"password" :: :: :: 2) Call RunAsSpc with Cryptfile: :: :: runasspc /cryptfile:"path\NameOfCryptfile.spc" :: runasspc /cryptfile:"path\NameOfCryptfile.spc" /quiet :: :: :: 3) Generate RunAsSpc Cryptfile: :: :: runasspc /cryptfile:"crypt.spc" /program:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\calc.exe" /domain:"localhost" /user:"administrator" /password:"password" :: runasspc /cryptfile:"\\servername\share\crypt.spc" /program:"c:\winnt\system32\mmc.exe" /domain:"domainname.com" /user:"administrator" /password:"password" /executein:"c:\windows" /param:"c:\konsole\adminkonsole.msc" :: runasspc /cryptfile:"\\servername\share\crypt.spc" /program:"\\servername\share\foldername\j2re-1_4_2_05-windows-i586-p.exe" /domain:"domainname.com" /user:"administrator" /password:"password" /param:"/S /V/qn" /executein:"c:\temp" /logon:"noprofile" :: runasspc /cryptfile:"d:\temp\crypt.spc" /program:"d:\temp\WindowsXP-KB894391-x86-DEU.exe" /domain:"domainname.com" /user:"administrator" /password:"password" /param:"/passive" /logon:"noprofile" /alldrives :: *********************************************************