Run elevated English Run Elevated German RunElevated

Run application with elevated privileges on an UAC system

Elevated administrator privileges on Windows and the User Access Control (UAC).

Elevate privilege is a program attribut needed on an UAC system to run the program with administrator rights.
The UAC has basically only two possible levels requireAdministrator and asInvoker.


If an application request this rights you have to confirm at least an UAC dialog. If you are not logged in as adminisitrator you have to enter additional administrator credentials in this UAC window.
Applications need this right to change system setting. Installation, Systemapplication,...


Software which don't need any system privileges do not request any UAC sytem rights, in this case you must not confirm any UAC warning window to start that program, but the program then is not running in administrator mode.

See Microsoft Doc for UAC setting

Applications which do not request elevated privileges in Windows, but you want to run with more rights, can use RunElevated.

RunElevated request elevated administrator permission from system for another program or script.
By that way you can elevate a batch file, the command line prompt cmd.exe, a file manager, a script, a single command like net.exe, older applications or any other program, which don't request this rights itself.

To run your file elevated, you simply have to drag and drop the application onto RunElevated.exe.
Further possibilities are creating a shortcut, a batch file or any other way to call the command
>> RunElevated.exe Application.exe <<

Examples with cmd.exe, a batch file and net.exe

Elevate another program directly as administrator

Elevate another program as standard user with administrator credentials

Elevate another program as standard user with encrypted administrator credentials via RunAsSpc or RunAsRob

Elevate another application, like the command prompt cmd.exe, from a non administrator account with RunElevated via RunAsRob RunAsAdmin and the option login as administrator

Screenshot elevate cmd.exe as non administrator

Another examples with RunElevated via RunAsRob RunAsAdmin and the option login as administrator

Screenshot elevate different applicaitons


For any suggestions, errors, questions, specific requirements or adjustments please contact:


RunElevated is free.
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Date: 2023-02-09
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