RunAsRob details English Runas Rob details German Details and differences

RunAsRob command line arguments, registry values, Group Policy options and the differences to RunAsSpc

RunAsSpc is on the market since 2005 and RunAsRob is a further development, on the market since 2012.
RunAsSpc is very popular with its option to run an application as different user. Application and user login information can pass in plain text or encrypted. RunAsSpc is portable including the file with encrypted credentials.

RunAsRob can do much more with its 4 program parts and different possibilities to run a specific program with special rights. Depend on the solution you need, each option has its advantages.

  1. The part RunAsAdmin login as administrator run an application as administrator from a standard user account with own profile of the user.
    Because the user will be a temporary member with its own account of the group administrators for the start of the authorized program, he keeps his setting in the application.
  2. The possibility RunAsAdmin login as system run an application under system account. This specific local system account with no user profile has more privileges than an administrator.
    By this option you can also bypass the UAC and you have got access to system resources you don't have with an administrator account.
  3. The part RunAsService run a program as service automatically with the highest privileges without a user must be logged on and without any user interaction.
  4. RunAsRob the part for encrypted files can call a specific application under another user account from an encrypted file and is portable.

Comparison table with characteristics of RunAsSpc and the four parts RunAsRob


Recommended use:
Sending an encrypted file with credential of an administrator and the task you must delegate to a user which has no administrator rights
or you need a second login session for a program as administrator or any other user account on the same desktop, without entering credentials.

RunAsRob the part with encrypted file

Recommended use:
Sending an encrypted file with credential of an administrator and the task you must delegate to a user which has no administrator rights
or you need a second login session for a program as administrator or any other user account on the same desktop, without entering credentials.

RunAsRob part RunAsService

Recommended use:
Regularly background jobs like monitoring, backup, file scans, copy jobs, computer and software checks.

RunAsRob part RunAsAdmin logon as system

Recommended use:
Installation of applications, patches, drivers, updates from a standard user account with no administrator rights.
Allow a limited user to do settings on the system for network, hardware, software,... normally you must be an administrator.

RunAsRob part RunAsAdmin logon as administrator

Recommended use:
If own settings of the user are needed in the program. In the launched application the user keeps his enviromnent of his printers, mapped drives, application settings, NTFS and network rights.

Command line arguments of RunasRob:

Registry values and Group Policy options:

Edit the Registry Key of RunAsRob:

Here you configure the values AllowedPath, ServiceMode, LogonFlag directly or over central group policy in a domain.
Changes will take effect after restart of service RunasRob
Warning, serious problems might occur if you change the registry incorrectly.
Registry RunasRob

By Group Policy in a domain you can manage this settings central.
runasadminen.html#Bygrouppolicy > > >



For any suggestions, errors, questions, specific requirements or adjustments please contact:


RunAsRob is only free for private use.
For companies and other organisations we deliver a licensed version, registered to the organisation name.
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Date: 2023-02-09

Data protection
